Sunday, January 17, 2010

San Diego

Sarah Ward January 17 at 12:32am Reply
We board the ship tomorrow! I am really excited! I will be out of touch on facebook for a while, but I should be able to email soon. I had some roommates in the hotel, and we went to the San Diego Zoo today! It was awesome! We saw hippos mating. Yes, we all took pictures. It was really entertaining. We got the biggest kick out of the small children standing right in front watching.

I am having a blast, but I miss Texas already, and all of you back home. 3 of the girls staying in my room are from Maine and another is from Boston. They LOVE my accent. We also have an English friend, and we all try to imitate his accent. I'm the worst at it! I'm going to master the English/London accent by the time I come back.

You stay classy San Diego!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Post number one by mom was successful. So, now send me a picture, I'll see if I can get that posted,try to find one of a giraffe. Leave the hippos to their privacy!
    Love you, Mom

  3. That URL thing had me when I could've posted by my name! I'll figure that out later.
